
╒═ CAN DO; ════════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ═╕
  ➤ fanart
  ➤ furry/anthro
  ➤ animals
  ➤ humans
  ➤ monsters
  ➤ blood/gore
  ➤ nudity/porn
  ➤ kink1
  ☽⊱•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•⊰☾   1 don't go on for paragraphs about how much you love piss. don't flirt with me or suggest you're interested in me. i'm just doing a job. i'll stop working with you if you cross the line.
╒═ CAN'T DO; ═══════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ═╕
  ➤ robots2/cars/overly complicated mechanical things (i suck at em)
  ➤ extensive landscapes (haven't practiced)
  ☽⊱•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•⊰☾   2 can do FNAF style robots, but if you ask for optimus prime, i'll have to turn the commission down.
╒════════════════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ═╕
   ↳ Please add as much information as you can to items, such as character name and media for fanart work, or in depth character descriptions for original characters. If you have reference images you would like to share with me, please let me know.
   ↳ Commissions done by me are for personal use only. Please do not resell my work on mass produced items such as cups/mugs, t-shirts, keychains, hats, canvas prints/tapestry, blankets/bedding, etc. nor for auctions/bids/pawning off.3
  ☽⊱•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•⊰☾
3 Unless explicitly stated; such as a request for a personally created ita bag item (pin/keychain) or dakimakura, where in you provide the information of the service you wish to use; such as a link to diipoo.com, vograce.com, or other such services, with the intent to make a small batch or singular item for personal use.
  ☽⊱•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅ ━━━━━━━━ ⋅•⊰☾
   ↳ Character work, such as adoptables or refsheets, may be resold, as I do not own your character(s). However, do not sell for more than you payed me for. A $45 refsheet commission cannot be resold for anything higher than $45. Reselling of characters must be the exact price of the commission/adopt or less.   ↳ Canceled commissions must pay a compensation fee of 20% the original price.   ↳ NSFW is $10 extra.
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╒═GENERAL➤ ════════════⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅═╕
   Character art prices.
↳ BUST________no added price to style
  ↳ HIP UP____________________ $5
    ↳ FULL BODY________________  $10
➤ SKETCH__________________  $15
➤ LINE ART__________________$20
➤ FLAT COLOR_______________ $25
➤ SHADING_________________ $30
↳ CANVAS/NO BG______no added price
  ↳ SIMPLE____________________$5
    ↳ ROOM/COMPLEX____________$30
                 ➤ADDED CHARACTERS➤
   (BODY+STYLE)____________ chara1
+(BODY+STYLE-$10)_________ chara2
=$X____________________  TOTAL
   (FULLBODY+LINEART)__________ $30
+(FULLBODY+LINEART-$10)____  $30-$10
= $X______________________$50
╘══════════  ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅  ══════════╛


╒═REF SHEETS➤══════════⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅═╕
   Reference sheet prices.
╒═➤REF SHEET PACK A➤═══════════╕
➤ BODY; full body, 3/4 veiw
  ↳ FRONT+BACK______________ $20
➤ STYLE; flat color
  ↳ FRONT___________________$25
➤➤TOTAL__________________$45╒═➤REF SHEET PACK B➤═══════════╕
➤ BODY; full body, 3/4 veiw
  ↳ FRONT+BACK______________ $20
➤ STYLE; flat color
  ↳ FRONT+BACK______________ $40
➤ HEAD; bust line art
  ↳ one_____________________$15
➤➤TOTAL__________________ $75╒═➤REF SHEET PACK C➤═══════════╕
➤ BODY; full turn arounds
  ↳ FRONT+BACK+SIDE__________ $30
➤ STYLE; flat color
  ↳ FRONT+BACK+SIDE__________ $60
➤ HEAD; bust line art
  ↳ three___________________ $45
➤ EXTRA ITEMS__________$1 per item
➤➤TOTAL________________ $135+
╘══════════  ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅  ══════════╛


╒═ICONS➤ ═════════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅═╕
➤ Flat color, bust, 500x500px, $5 each.
╒═CHIBI➤ ══════════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅═╕
➤ Flat color, full body, $10 each.
╒═DOODLES➤ ═══════════ ⋅•☽⊱✞⊰☾•⋅═╕
➤ I go ham on a canvas and give you
     a price based on what's all on it. :3
➤ Yes you can pick the topic /
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Click for better quality.
